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- //////////
- //
- // File: WinFramework.h
- //
- // Contains: Support for playing QuickTime VR movies in a Windows application.
- //
- // Written by: Tim Monroe
- // Based (heavily!) on MDIPlayer sample code by Brian S. Friedkin (Aug 5, 1996).
- //
- // Copyright: ⌐ 1996-1997 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
- //
- // Change History (most recent first):
- //
- // <1> 07/03/96 rtm first file; revised to personal coding style;
- // renamed numerous types and parameters to mirror VRShell on MacOS
- //
- //////////
- #pragma once
- #ifndef __MOVIES__
- #include <Movies.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __QTML__
- #include <QTML.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __RESOURCES__
- #include <Resources.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __QUICKTIMEVR__
- #include <QuickTimeVR.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __QTUtilities__
- #include "QTUtilities.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __QTVRUtilities__
- #include "QTVRUtilities.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __Prefix_File__
- #include <WinPrefix.h>
- #endif
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <Sound.h>
- #include <Scrap.h>
- #include <TextUtils.h>
- //////////
- // constants
- //////////
- #define WM_PUMPMOVIE (WM_USER+0)
- #define USEEXPLORERSTYLE (LOBYTE(LOWORD(GetVersion()))>=4)
- #define kOpenDialogCustomData 11 // an arbitrary value that allows our dialog proc to detect the Open File dialog box
- #define kAlertMessageMaxLength 256 // maximum length of a message in the DoCautionAlert message box
- // items in Save Changes dialog box
- #define kSaveChanges IDYES // save the changes before closing window
- #define kCancelClose IDCANCEL // no, don't close the window or save changes
- #define kDontSaveChanges IDNO // discard any unsaved changes
- // constants for standard modal dialog filter proc
- #define kMyButtonDelay 8
- #define kReturnKey (char)0x0D
- #define kEnterKey (char)0x03
- #define kEscapeKey (char)0x1B
- #define kPeriod '.'
- // constants for selecting InitApplication phase
- enum {
- kInitAppPhase_BeforeCreateFrameWindow = 1L << 0, // MDI frame window windows not yet created
- kInitAppPhase_AfterCreateFrameWindow = 1L << 1, // MDI frame window windows already created
- kInitAppPhase_BothPhases = kInitAppPhase_BeforeCreateFrameWindow | kInitAppPhase_AfterCreateFrameWindow
- };
- // constants for selecting StopApplication phase
- enum {
- kStopAppPhase_BeforeDestroyWindows = 1 << 0, // movie windows not yet torn down
- kStopAppPhase_AfterDestroyWindows = 1 << 1, // movie windows already torn down
- kStopAppPhase_BothPhases = kStopAppPhase_BeforeDestroyWindows | kStopAppPhase_AfterDestroyWindows
- };
- // parameters to the SetMenuItemState function
- #define kEnableMenuItem MF_ENABLED
- #define kDisableMenuItem MF_GRAYED
- //////////
- // macros
- //////////
- // macros for converting Mac menu ID/menu item pairs into a single "menu item identifier"
- #define MENU_IDENTIFIER(menuID,menuItem) ((menuID<<8)+(menuItem))
- #define MENU_ID(menuIdentifier) ((menuIdentifier&0xff00)>>8)
- #define MENU_ITEM(menuIdentifier) ((menuIdentifier&0x00ff))
- //////////
- // data types
- //////////
- typedef HMENU MenuReference;
- typedef HWND WindowReference;
- //////////
- // structures
- //////////
- // WindowObjectRecord is a data structure attached to a movie window.
- // We use this structure to associate data with any window presented.
- typedef struct {
- WindowReference fWindow; // the window
- Movie fMovie; // the main movie (QT or QTVR)
- MovieController fController; // the movie controller for this window
- FSSpec fFileFSSpec; // location of the movie file
- short fFileResID;
- short fFileRefNum;
- Boolean fCanResizeWindow; // can the window be resized?
- Boolean fDirty; // has the movie data changed since the last save?
- QTVRInstance fInstance; // the QTVRInstance
- Handle fAppData; // a handle to application-specific window data
- } WindowObjectRecord, *WindowObjectPtr, **WindowObject;
- //////////
- // function prototypes
- //////////
- LRESULT CALLBACK FrameWndProc (HWND theWnd, UINT theMessage, UINT wParam, LONG lParam);
- LRESULT CALLBACK MovieWndProc (HWND theWnd, UINT theMessage, UINT wParam, LONG lParam);
- BOOL GetFile (char *theFileName);
- int AdjustMenus (HWND theWnd, HMENU theMenu);
- void QuitFramework (void);
- MovieController SetupMovieWindowWithController (Movie theMovie, HWND theWindow);
- void DoOpenCommandLineMovies (LPSTR theCmdLine);
- BOOL DoCreateMovieWindow (Movie theMovie, FSSpec *theFSSpec);
- static void DoSaveMovie (HWND theWnd);
- static void DoCut (HWND theWnd);
- static void DoCopy (HWND theWnd);
- static void DoPaste (HWND theWnd);
- static void DoClear (HWND theWnd);
- static void DoUndo (HWND theWnd);
- static void GetDisplayName (char *thePathName, char *theFileName);
- void SizeWindowToMovie (WindowObject theWindowObject);
- static void ShowAboutBox (void);
- int DoCautionAlert (HWND theWnd, UINT theID, UINT theIconStyle, UINT theButtonStyle, LPSTR theTitle, LPSTR theArgument);
- static UINT APIENTRY DialogProc (HWND theDialog, UINT theMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
- static void CalcWindowMinMaxInfo (HWND theWnd, LPMINMAXINFO lpMinMax);
- WindowReference GetFrontMovieWindow (void);
- WindowReference GetNextMovieWindow (WindowReference theWindow);
- WindowObject GetWindowObjectFromFrontWindow (void);
- WindowObject GetWindowObjectFromWindow (HWND theWnd);
- MovieController GetMCFromFrontWindow (void);
- MovieController GetMCFromWindow (WindowReference theWindow);
- QTVRInstance GetQTVRInstanceFromFrontWindow (void);
- Handle GetAppDataFromFrontWindow (void);
- Handle GetAppDataFromWindow (HWND theWnd);
- Handle GetAppDataFromWindowObject (WindowObject theWindowObject);
- Boolean IsWindowObjectOurs (WindowObject theWindowObject);
- void DoBeep (void);
- void SetMenuState (MenuReference theMenu, UInt16 theMenuRank, short theState);
- void SetMenuItemState (MenuReference theMenu, UInt16 theMenuItem, short theState);
- void SetMenuItemLabel (MenuReference theMenu, UInt16 theMenuItem, char *theText);
- void SetMenuItemCheck (MenuReference theMenu, UInt16 theMenuItem, Boolean theState);
- GrafPtr GetPortFromWindowReference (WindowReference theWindow);
- WindowReference GetWindowReferenceFromPort (GrafPtr thePort);
- short GetWindowWidth (WindowReference theWindow);
- // application-specific functions
- // These are defined in the ComApplication.c file;
- // you could override these to change the behavior of the function in a specific application.
- void InitApplication (UInt32 theStartPhase);
- void StopApplication (UInt32 theStopPhase);
- void DoIdle (WindowReference theWindow);
- void DoUpdateWindow (WindowReference theWindow, Rect *theRefrehArea);
- void HandleContentClick (WindowReference theWindow, EventRecord *theEvent);
- Boolean HandleApplicationKeyPress (char theCharCode);
- void HandleApplicationMenu (UInt16 theMenuItem);
- void AdjustApplicationMenus (WindowReference theWindow, MenuReference theMenu);
- Boolean DoApplicationEventLoopAction (EventRecord *theEvent);
- void AddControllerFunctionality (MovieController theMC);
- void InitApplicationWindowObject (WindowObject theWindowObject);
- void RemoveApplicationWindowObject (WindowObject theWindowObject);
- PASCAL_RTN Boolean ApplicationMCActionFilterProc (MovieController theMC, short theAction, void *theParams, long theRefCon);